Everything Law of Attraction

The Collection of What you Need to Know to Change Everything

The Most Important 17 Seconds of Your Day

I remember reading The Secret several years ago.  It’s funny how that book speaks to people in different ways. Some people find it ridiculous and silly, while others consider it the missing piece that they had been looking for years and years.

Me? I felt like it was an introduction or stepping stone, or nursery school primer. It was something completely new… but not really enough. Not really the whole picture.

To me, it was like being introduced to the idea  of color and then being told … Now go out and find some.

On my Journey I found the Tao, ancient text translated by hundreds of people with all of it slightly different… why? Because we’re using words.  Our words are what give our life it’s color.  When we hear or say something it paints an emotional picture for us, we live what we think.  We feel things, they make us think something, then we take action, or we Think –> Feel –> Take Action… either way, our feelings are tied up in the results that we live.

Non judgement is the essence of happiness.  Read this first chapter of The Tao Te Ching and allow it to settle in without analyzing and evaluating and even really trying to fully understand, let it wash over you and pick out the best feeling you can.

The Tao Te Ching

Tao (The Way) that can be spoken of is not the Constant Tao’
The name that can be named is not a Constant Name.
Nameless, is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
The named is the Mother of all things.
Thus, the constant void enables one to observe the true essence.
The constant being enables one to see the outward manifestations.
These two come paired from the same origin.
But when the essence is manifested,
It has a different name.
This same origin is called “The Profound Mystery.”
As profound the mystery as It can be,
It is the Gate to the essence of all life.

Along my journey I’ve found many coaches, mentors and exceptional lessons. One of the most thought provoking (and currently alive) of those is the combination of Abraham and Esther Hicks. (AKA Abraham Hicks) I bring them up because I’m going share a video to watch (or listen to).  Whether you believe that Esther Hicks is able to connect with the non-physical beings that call themselves Abraham or not… it doesn’t change the message of this video.  The instruction and help that is provided in this video.  Listen without judgement.

I imagine, that if these words were provided by a well respected Health & Wellness Guru that there’d be a best selling book, and expensive sales funnels at every turn.  But that’s not how they seem to work. When you visit their site, you can see their books and videos for sale, but there’s no flashy sales funnel or promises of wealth beyond your dreams, just their stuff.  If you want it… you can buy it. 🙂

Today, I want to share with you this Great way to change your life with just 17 seconds every morning.





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