Everything Law of Attraction

The Collection of What you Need to Know to Change Everything

Oracle Card Reading for Friday 10-27-2017

It seems like forever since I’ve written to you and pulled the three cards that are meant to help and heal. I love this work, and I forget until I am literally pulled back and sitting here…. how much I love this.

The house is still, the kids still asleep, even the dog gently snores in the other room.  I remember now, why I love this.  Calm, Relaxing and Encouraging.

You may have noticed that I’ve changed the name of my site, I used to be Clear Energy, and now I’m Enchanted Energies.  My dream is to open an Enchanted Energies Coffee Shop, with beautiful sparkling crystals and deep energy cleansing globes.  I place where people can come to recharge, learn, share…. So, as you look at the cards below, imagine you are in that safe place.

Imagine you are in my coffee shop, and we are together and this reading is for you.

Select the card (or cards) that pulls you.  Don’t over think or analyze, trust your intuition.  Write the number in the comments below.

enchanted energies free tarot reading 10272017

I’ll post the reading in an hour or so.  Make today ridiculously amazing.


Welcome back, I’ve completed today’s reading below


enchanted energies reading 10-27-2017

#1 – Rescue – 

You are strong and successful and there is something or some aspect of your life that is troubling you. Perhaps you are unsure of your next step, or unsure of how to move forward in a business or job related question.  We are here to remind you that you only need ask. The first step in all creation is to ask, really know what you want. Not in general terms but in specific detail, only then can you ask for exactly what you want and then recognize when you have it.  If you are struggling with money, simply asking for more money may manifest in thousands of ways, coupons, a dollar found, discounts on fuel.  However, a specific request such as $1000.00 is activating and the universe will start to pull situations and circumstances towards you. So pay attention, write down the ideas that pop into your head, no matter how crazy, pay attention to all possibilities because inside each of those is an opportunity. You are strong.

#2 – Peaks of Joy –

Your life is filled with happiness, it seems like everything is coming together, synchronicity and fairy dust mark today with your awareness of your happiness being nearly contagious.  Your job is to share that joy, it is not your job to “make” others happy, or make them understand your joy or make them experience joy… your job is to share.  Think of it like a side.  Perhaps it will bear fruit today, or perhaps in several years, the seed you plant is the idea of joy.  Sharing without judgment or prejudice reinforces your belief in your intuition. Some may ask, “what you are so happy about” and perhaps they don’t realize that each day is a gift and that no special occasion is needed to recognize happiness. You are planting those seeds as you celebrate and share the moments that are working for you in this day!  You are amazing.

#3 – Cleaning House –

It’s time for you to physically clean house as well as being honest and emotionally cleaning house. No more stacking boxes in a closet or sweeping emotions under the rug. I see you agreeing with me, but I also see that as soon as you think about starting you are immediately overwhelmed.  So I will say… take a week, a month or a year!  Yes, even a year.  You are attached to things as much as thoughts, these well worn paths are comfortable and may have served you in the past, but not all of them are serving you now.  Just as you would start in one room and touch each piece or knick knack to decide what will stay and what will go, you must also be honest and touch on your emotional clutter.  You decide what to keep, and what to release.  You are powerful.

Thank You

If you are interested in a private reading, please book your appointment by clicking here:


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