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The Rider Tarot Deck Reading for Thursday 11-9-2017

Good Morning Beautiful Souls…

Today is going to be magical and filled with possibilities. In the words of Deepak Chopra, “Research has shown that the best way to be happy is to make each day happy.”

I offer you today a three card reading. Select one or more cards that speaks to you and comment below on your selection. I will reveal the cards in a few hours, with the reading for each card in the position.

Love and light

Free Tarot Reading by enchanted energies



The revealed reading for today's cards free tarot reading


Card #1 – Reversed Ten of Wands

Precious soul you are struggling with a heavy burden, so many circumstances and situations that have entered your life adding and piling on top of each other.  In fact, it’s possible that you have taken on more than you can realistically be able to handle. I know sometimes you may feel like you are the only one that cares and if you don’t do it, it won’t get done.  We see that perhaps some burdens are unnecessary.  Perhaps you have taken them on thinking your efforts would be noticed or appreciated or even reciprocated, but that’s not always how it works.  Take 4 very deep long breaths and think for a moment about yourself.  What is it that you want, in this moment.  Clear your head of the stress and burden of the needs of others, and think for the moment what is it that you want.  There. Start there.  Often, our happiness is tied to the happiness of others, like our children or other family members… so, recognize that and choose to view the “burden” as a gift.  Something that you give without thought or desire for return.  There.  Be in that moment.  When a gift isn’t recognized, it is no less a gift.  Perhaps, charity is a better word for you.  You see, if you are happy seeing others happy… whether they immediately recognize the part your play in their happiness, then you understand the nature of a gift.  Release the burden of “making someone think or do something” and understand your joy is in giving. You are so caring and at times feel overwhelmed and underappreciated.  It is up to you to pay attention to the truth of your circumstances. Re-frame your idea of self worth and understand you are a gift to all you encounter.  Love and light.


Card #2  – Reversed King of Cups

Beautiful soul you are challenged by your emotions and find that you can not express the true extent of your desires and talents.  In fact you are hiding the truth of your feelings, perhaps because a loved one or someone above you has made you feel that you thoughts and emotions are unimportant or unwanted.  Rest assured you are important.  You are loved and divinely protected.  You ARE IMPORTANT.  It is time for you to take stock and recognize your strengths and focus on the real wisdom of knowing your strengths and weaknesses and paying attention to how they work in your life now, and now they are not supporting your best life. That is to say, pay attention to how you limit yourself by what you belief and take moments throughout the day to question your long held belief’s about what’s possible.. for you.  The King of cups in the future outcome as a regular state tells us that you will be blessed with calm perspective on human nature, your detachment now and releasing your limiting beliefs about your worth and value will help you step into that future outcome card.  You are amazing.

Card #3 – The Star

Wonderful soul you are truly on the right path, with this card we’re telling you that your power of self expression is at it’s highest, we think that if you really truly trust yourself you will create the opportunities you desire for success.  Trust your intuition, you are in touch with your highest self and the universal life force, trust your hope and belief in your future.  The doubt you feel from time to time is your mind trying to keep you in the box it thinks it has built for your own protection, release the activities and thoughts and limitations that no longer serve your greater good.  Write down your great ideas, date the list so you know when you wrote them.  Think about the feeling of completing your list. Think about your future self telling others how you achieved that list.  Wallow in that lovely feeling of success and satisfaction and joy.  Like a slow walk in a cool refreshing stream, use all your senses to paint that picture of your satisfaction.  This lovely full sensory cinematic version of your success in your minds eye must touch your heart.  Your success means the success of others, means the happiness of others, means you have the ability to give more.. and receive more and you will truly be tapping into the essence of the Law of Attraction.  It is this full vision that you embrace that creates more of what you want in your life.  Write it down, you will need the evidence, soon.  When you doubt.. you will need to look back for evidence.  Write down all of the success that happens, every day. big and small… write it down.  This is your evidence that you are on the right path.  You are truly guided.


Wow, great cards today.  Remember to comment below if you have any questions and visit our shop if you’re interested in requesting your own reading.

TOMORROW IS FREE READING FRIDAY! 🙂  Yup… You can request your own reading direct to your inbox.  Ask one question.  Follow this link:



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